Why experts and many users are so openly vocal against Free Yahoo backup tools?
People often forget that they get what they pay for. They know it when they buy cars and want to get more safety even if that means paying extra. While getting software for mail backup, your life may not be at stake. But your life earnings, business reputation, and future of business is definitely at stake. Today, you might pay less for a tool but later on you will see that your work load or that of your employees has increased over something which could have been easily done by a better tool. Just look at the cost conversion in terms of hours spent and also at risks you are putting your business at when using free tools. This will be an eye opener for you and you too will realise why you should not be using free tools. Mail backup X Yahoo backup tool that is best at cost conversion When getting a backup tool, calculate the cost of training your employees. Also, calculate the cost of getting one for Mac and another for Windows. Then calculate the cost of getting tools...