Best Yahoo Mail backup software

I have found the best Yahoo Mail backup software

Yahoo email backup software
I was worried about creating a safe Yahoo mail backup since I wanted to shift to another client. However, I wanted to create a Yahoo email backup so that there is no risk of data loss or file corruption. I asked around and got to know that without the right Yahoo mail backup software, the process can be risky. So I started looking for the right Yahoo Backup tool.

I chose the Mail backup X by InventPure as my personal Yahoo email backup software

The Mail backup X is a certified tool that easily runs on mac and is able to backup and archive mails from multiple email clients. You can easily backup and archive your emails from Yahoo mail, Outlook windows, Apple mail, Outlook mac, Thunderbird and Postbox etc. I was really impressed by its versatility and ease of use.

Let me share some of the best features of this backup Yahoo mail software

1.      The tool works on mac
2.      I was able to install it in a minute
3.      It offers to import mail data from multiple formats and clients
4.      It has an inbuilt email viewer to view archived files without switching
5.      It has an inbuilt search engine that allows you to search for email items in the archives
6.      You get to save 3X the space that you would take to store a regular backup
7.      The tool offers 100% guarantee of no data loss
8.      Backup emails directly to a USB drive
9.      Archive your email database in PDF format
1.  Free and friendly support 24*7

Get a free trial 

You should test the free demo of this Yahoo backup tool and upgrade when satisfied. The full version is also very affordable at starting rates of 79$! To download the free trial, click here.


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